


Watercooling Case - Red
Watercooling Case - Red

122,00 € 61,00 €

LD PC-V2 115V USA Phase Change

LD PC-V2 115V USA Phase Change
LD PC-V2 Phase Change for USA market 115V.

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1 464,00 € tax incl.


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LD PC-V2 Phase Change system!

Heatload which can hold:

300W at -30°c on Evaporator Head

Dimenions Weight:

540 x 220x 275mm (with legs)

Mounting Support:

Universal Mounting for all Sockets (775, AM3,i5, i7, Socket 2011 )





Mounting Hardware:

All mounting material included (screws, washers, bolts...)


LD cooling K-Type USB Controler NEW!

Controler Functions:

Phase Change controler is connected to Motherboard with 2 pin cable.
When you press power button on Phase Change, system automaticly start counting down from 4min and after that, compressor start running.
When evaporator temperature reach -25°c controler automaticly start PC and check 12V line if everything works ok. (If controler doesn't recognize 12V line Phase Change will shut down!)
When you turn off computer, you have to shut down PC first and after 10 secoonds Phase Change automaticly turns off.



LD PC-V2 Phase Change
Insualtion and Backplate
Screws, washers and all mounting material

Power Supply:

115 - 127V, 60Hz